Science Can’t Fix Our Problems

by Johnathan Armstrong - August 2, 2011

Science is a wonderful tool, but it can be misused. The human tendency toward evil is a big part of the reason we can’t solve all of our problems by ourselves. Even if we don’t realize it, we need supernatural help.

A few weeks ago I watched a woman on television claim that there is no need for people to be concerned with the problems in our world because scientists will fix all our problems.

While watching the show, I did not give it much thought. But it came to mind again when I had to write an abstract concerning my graduate research on new sources for energy. A lot of scientific research is being applied to this field as the amount of fossil fuel decreases. There are some exciting new ideas, but a lot of complexities. And this is just one of the challenging problems that scientists are facing today.

It made me think: Can scientists really fix all our problems?

Science is just a tool

People say that the more we advance technologically, the more we advance socially. Science is not evil; however, it’s not good either. Science, like anything else, is simply a tool people use. Ideally, the tool is meant for the betterment of man, just like any other tool. However, a tool put in the wrong hands can become corrupted. The potential for good and the potential for evil go hand in hand as we “advance.”

We are human, and therefore we are not sufficient unto ourselves, as some seem to believe. That is why this world is so filled with emptiness and heartaches; pain, suffering and poverty; fears and worries; unhappiness and empty, troubled lives.

We need God

Because people think they are sufficient unto themselves, they think they do not need God. They have pulled away from God and have shut God out of the picture. God’s mind is really the only mind that knows what is good for us. Society has decided for itself that it does not need God or any of His help. However, left to ourselves, we are helpless. God knows this.

Throughout history, what humanity has thought was right has not led to consistently right results. God alone knows what is right for us, and we should seek His wisdom, knowledge and understanding. We need it. Through His way, we can learn the way of happiness, peace and prosperity to have a full, abundant life of being really joyful at all times. God intends that we enjoy life to the full.

Did you know that it would only take one generation to completely eliminate AIDS? It would not take scientific research to come up with a breakthrough vaccine, but obedience to God in faith. God commands us to practice sexual abstinence before we’re married and faithfulness to our spouse when we are married. This is just a physical example of how obedience to God in one area would benefit the entire world.

How much better would society be if people obeyed in both the physical and the spiritual aspects of life? It takes faith. What is faith? Faith is the confidence that God will always do what He has promised (Romans 4:19-21). Real faith is living faith and living faith takes obedience to God. Very soon, the world will know and understand this and live that way (Jeremiah 31:33).

An amazing creation

A couple of days ago, I was describing a physics phenomenon, called the piezoelectric effect, in which certain materials can produce electricity when put under pressure, to a fellow graduate student. He said something about how amazing it is that something this cool was created and that we can understand and use it.

Another student, overhearing our conversation, remarked that no one came up with it—it’s just there. I should tell you this was said by an outspoken atheist.

Well, I did not unload on him, but I fully believe God created the physical laws we live by. He designed the motion of the planets. He engineered gravity, magnetism and electricity. He is the One who established the laws of motion. He created the atom and the cell. He created the shield around the earth to protect it from the harmful radiation. He made it possible for this tiny little planet to be able to support life.

He created those herbs and spices we partake of on a daily basis. He put into living creatures the breath of life. He made all these things. They are not just a phenomenon that nobody made. He created them.

God gave us the spirit in man to understand and learn these things. All scientists have done and all they are able to do is reverse-engineer God’s creation. All we’ve done is learn about what God has already accomplished and set into motion.

Why are we in awe of the scientists and what they discover? Think deeper. What is behind those “intelligent” scientists who discover these things? What is behind those amazing phenomena?

There is a Creator. There is a Lawgiver. Recognize Him. Don’t glorify the scientist! Don’t glorify the creation! Rather, glorify the only One who is worthy of such glory, the Eternal God!

Johnathan Armstrong attends the Little Rock, Arkansas, congregation of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, and is a graduate student working on his doctorate in physics.

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